Buying more locally is a burgeoning trend in food retailing – research shows that consumers are actively seeking out brands that have a strong provenance and connect them with their local countryside.

Bowland Fresh is a unique brand as it is owned and marketed by the farmers who produce the milk, giving them a viable price, the positive benefits of this for the farmer and the countryside is clear. At Bowland Fresh we are committed to delivering the highest quality standards at all times. We offer the same professional levels of service to the supermarkets and stores we serve. There is also the added value to your customers of buying locally from trusted producers who operate to the highest national hygiene standards, with full traceability.
Buy local
We tailor deliveries direct to your individual stores or distribution centre from our independent local processor to align with either your existing ordering patterns or special requirements. This can include daily deliveries direct to stores or distribution centres throughout the North. Our milk has a ten day shelf life and we offer a full range of product support including in store activity, promotional materials and our ongoing and award-winning media relations and marketing campaign.
In store promotional activity can be carried out by the Bowland Fresh team. Also regular store visits are carried out to support store staff and help with any in store problems.
For a full presentation on what we can offer, or to find out more email or call a member of our sales team on 01200 445856.